WizToolKit for Backends

WizToolKit’s BOLT and PLASMASnooze IR interpreters share a common Backend API. The advantage of this is it allows the backend to focus on proofs and reuse IR semantics from WizToolKit. BOLT is a "two-pass" interpreter and is most ideally suited for relations which rely heavily on loops. PLASMASnooze is a "single-pass" interpreter and picks up the slack when very few gates are reused.

The following includes are required.

#include <wtk/bolt/Builder.h>

the build phase of the BOLT interpreter.

#include <wtk/bolt/Evaluator.h>

the evaluate phase of BOLT interpreter.

#include <wtk/bolt/PLASMASnooze.h>

the PLASMASnooze interpreter.

#include <wtk/bolt/ArithmeticPLASMASnoozeHandler.h>, and #include <wtk/bolt/BooleanPLASMASnoozeHandler.h>

the PLASMASnooze interpreter, adapted to the Streaming Parser API.

#include <wtk/bolt/Backend.h>

the interface which a backend implementor must implement.

For those who are curious about the naming scheme of these, BOLT is short for Better Optimization via Lookup-reuse and Two-pass. PLASMASnooze is an improvement over FIREALARM in the sense of performance and of plugability with ZK Backends. However, it is also a disprovement in the sense that it relaxes certain IR semantics, for example, it allows reassignment to a wire, after the wire was @deleted. Thus PLASMA is an improvement upon FIRE, and Snooze is the opposite of ALARM. PLASMASnooze stands for Practical Local Acceleration for Single-pass with Malleable Assumtions Snooze.

Numeric Representations

In this API there are generally three numeric representation types.

Wire numbers

A typedef named wtk::index_t defines the 64-bit unsigned integers (with wraparound) required by the IR specification for indices in the wire numbering system. These are almost entirely hidden from the backend.

Wire values

A template parameter which is typically referred to as Wire_T must be specified by the backend to carry the value across each wire.

Parser literals

A template parameter which is typically referred to as Number_T must be the same numeric type as parameterizing the parser.

The Backend API

The wtk::bolt::Backend<Wire_T, Number_T> is a simple abstract class which must be implemented by the backend. It declares a number of methods which must be overridden by the backend. Each method handles a simple gate, such as @mul or @xor. WizToolKit guarantees that it will only call methods of one Gate Set. If an implementor can only handle one Gate Set it is acceptable to have empty or failing implementations for the other Gate Set.

typedef MyWire /* something that is default-constructible */;

struct MyBackend : public wtk::bolt::Backend<MyWire, uint64_t>
  void addGate(MyWire* const out, MyWire const* const left, MyWire const* const right) override
    /* implementation */

  void mulGate(MyWire* const out, MyWire const* const left, MyWire const* const right) override
    /* implementation */

  /* remaining methods omitted for brevity */

Assert Zero

The @assert_zero directive indicates that the proof would fail if its input were non-zero. The Backend API expects the implementor to cache assertions and check them at the end. This is done with a pair of assertZero(…​) and check() methods. Here is an example.

  bool failureCache = false;

  void assertZero(MyWire const* const wire) override
    this->failureCache = (MyWire != 0) || this->failureCache;

  bool check() override
    return this->failureCache;

The top-level caller may call check() at the top-level to check for failures. If shutdown code is necessary, it may be written in either the the finish() method or the destructor. The top-level caller must call finish() at the top level scope.

Replacing Exponentiation in Switch-Statements

By default, WizToolKit uses exponentiation (and Fermat’s Little Theorem) to test which case is selected in an arithmetic switch-statement. This means that there are n log(P) many additional multiplications per switch statement (n being number of cases and P being the prime). If an implementor’s ZK system can improve upon this, they may override the caseSelect(…​) function. The selected_bit output wire must be assigned 1 or 0 when the select_wire input wire is or is not equal to the case_number field-literal.

  void caseSelect(MyWire* const selected_bit,
      uint64_t const case_number, MyWire const* const select_wire) override
    // Implement this

Invoking BOLT

BOLT has two phases of invocation. First build translates the IR syntax tree to a more accelerated form, then evaluate processes the relation, invoking methods of the backend as necessary. Here is an example.

// Collect these from the parser
uint64_t characteristic = /* ... */;
bool is_boolean = /* ... */;
wtk::IRTree<uint64_t>* relation = /* ... */;
wtk::InputStream<uint64_t>* instance = /* ... */;
wtk::InputStream<uint64_t>* witness = /* ... */;

// Build the relation. *bolt_relation has the same lifetime as builder
wtk::bolt::Builder<MyWire, uint64_t> builder(characteristic);
wtk::bolt::Bolt<MyWire, uint64_t>* bolt_relation = builder.build(relation);

// Check that build succeeded and then evaluate.
if(bolt_relation != nullptr)
  // Evaluate the relation
  MyBackend backend(characteristic, is_boolean, /* ... */);
  wtk::bolt::Evaluator<MyWire, uint64_t> evaluator(&backend);

  if(!evaluator.evaluate(bolt_relation, instance, witness))
    /* Instance or witness is poorly formed */
  else if(!backend.check())
    /* an assert zero failed, or other things happened to invalidate the proof */
    /* success */


At invocation time, it may be nonsensical for the a verifier to have a witness stream. To handle this, evaluate(…​) may be called with a nullptr. In this case, the evaluator will feed the backend zeroes in place of the witness.

  if(!evaluator.evaluate(bolt_relation, instance, nullptr))

Invoking PLASMASnooze

PLASMASnooze has just a single phase of execution. Instead of returning true/false for success or failure, it returns an enumeration indicating which resource caused the failure. As with BOLT, PLASMASnooze indicates only failures of each individual resource, leaving the backend to indicate failure of the proof.

// Collect these from the parser
uint64_t characteristic = /* ... */;
bool is_boolean = /* ... */;
wtk::IRTree<uint64_t>* relation = /* ... */;
wtk::InputStream<uint64_t>* instance = /* ... */;
wtk::InputStream<uint64_t>* witness = /* ... */;

// Evaluate the relation
MyBackend backend(characteristic, is_boolean, /* ... */);
wtk::bolt::PLASMASnooze<MyWire, uint64_t> snooze(&backend);

wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus status =
  snooze.evaluate(relation, instance, witness);
if(wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus::bad_relation == status)
  /* Relation is poorly formed */
if(wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus::bad_stream == status)
  /* Instance or witness is poorly formed */
else if(!backend.check())
  /* an assert zero failed, or other things happened to invalidate the proof */
  /* success */


Similarly to BOLT, PLASMASnooze may be invoked with a null witness, to feed a verifier zeroes in the place of witnesses.

wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus status =
  snooze.evaluate(relation, instance, nullptr);

Streaming PLASMASnooze

A further optimization to PLASMASnooze, when processing strict IR-Simple, is to use the parser’s streaming API. When the relation is IR-Simple (a completely "flat" list of gates), the parser can pass each gate to a handler immediately after its parsed, rather than adding it to a syntax tree. The wtk::bolt::ArithmeticPLASMASnoozeHandler<Wire_T, Number_T> and wtk::bolt::BooleanPLASMASnoozeHandler<Wire_T> (Number_T is fixed as uint8_t) implement the Streaming API for PLASMASnooze. the check() method of each must be used to collect the status code (wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus).

Here is an example invocation for arithmetic PLASMASnooze streaming.

// Collect these from the parser
uint64_t characteristic = /* ... */;
bool is_boolean = /* ... */;
wtk::ArithemticParser<uint64_t>* relation_parser = /* ... */;
wtk::InputStream<uint64_t>* instance = /* ... */;
wtk::InputStream<uint64_t>* witness = /* ... */;

// Evaluate the relation
MyBackend backend(characteristic, is_boolean, /* ... */);
wtk::bolt::ArithmeticPLASMASnoozeHandler<MyWire, uint64_t> snooze(&backend, instance, witness);

  /* Syntax error */
  wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus status = snooze.check();
  if(wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus::bad_relation == status)
    /* Relation is poorly formed */
  if(wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus::bad_stream == status)
    /* Instance or witness is poorly formed */
  else if(!backend.check())
    /* an assert zero failed, or other things happened to invalidate the proof */
    /* success */


For verifiers, who have access to the instance but not the witness, the handler may be constructed with a nullptr witness.

wtk::bolt::ArithmeticPLASMASnoozeHandler<MyWire, uint64_t> snooze(&backend, instance, nullptr);