#include <wtk/IRTree.h>
template<typename Number_T> struct IRTree
template<typename Number_T> struct DirectiveList
size_t size()
enum Type
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::Type type(size_t n)
wtk::BinaryGate* binaryGate(size_t n)
wtk::UnaryGate* unaryGate(size_t n)
wtk::BinaryConstGate<Number_T>* binaryConstGate(size_t n)
wtk::Input* input(size_t n)
wtk::Assign<Number_T>* assign(size_t n)
wtk::Terminal* assertZero(size_t n)
wtk::Terminal* deleteSingle(size_t n)
wtk::WireRange* deleteRange(size_t n)
wtk::FunctionInvoke* functionInvoke(size_t n)
wtk::AnonFunction<Number_T>* anonFunction(size_t n)
wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>* forLoop(size_t n)
wtk::SwitchStatement<Number_T>* switchStatement(size_t n)
size_t lineNum()
struct BinaryGate
struct UnaryGate
template<typename Number_T> struct BinaryConstGate
struct Input
template<typename Number_T> struct Assign
struct Terminal
struct WireRange
struct WireList
template<typename Number_T> struct FunctionDeclare
struct FunctionInvoke
template<typename Number_T> struct AnonFunction
struct IterExpr
struct IterExprWireRange
struct IterExprWireList
struct IterExprFunctionInvoke
template<typename Number_T> struct IterExprAnonFunction
template<typename Number_T> struct ForLoop
struct CaseFunctionInvoke
template<typename Number_T> struct CaseAnonFunction
template<typename Number_T> struct CaseBlock
template<typename Number_T> struct SwitchStatement
Include this API as
Members of this API live in the following namespace
namespace wtk { ...
The IR Tree API is parameterized on a Number_T
should be integer-like enough to be parsed from a string.
This API is abstract and implemented by parsers for various IR formats.
As an abstract interface many "attributes" must be accessed through accessor methods due to different storage methods of various IR formats.
At a top level, the wtk::IRTree<Number_T>
is the root of an abstract syntax tree for a relation in the SIEVE IR.
The wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>
defines scope block within the AST and other structs such as wtk::BinaryGate
defining individual directives.
Pointer members provided by the IR Tree API may be expected to be nonnull, taking the lifetime of the parser which provided a top-level wtk::IRTree<Number_T>*
However, as defined by the parser, the wtk::IRTree<Number_T>*
may itself be null.
The parser retains ownership of all objects from this API, the caller may not free(…)
template<typename Number_T> struct IRTree
The wtk::IRTree<Number_T>
struct is the root of an IR syntax tree.
The encapsulates both a list of named functions and the top-level scope of an IR relation.
size_t size()
This method indicates how many named function declarations are defined by this relation.
It is an integer greater than or equal to 0
virtual size_t size() = 0;
wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>* functionDeclare(size_t n)
Retrieve a named function declaration by index.
must be between 0
(inclusive) and this→size()
(exclusive) or else undefined behavior occurs.
It returns a nonnull wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>*
virtual wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>* functionDeclare(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>* body()
Retrieve the body of the relation.
It returns a nonnull wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>*
virtual wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>* body() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the IRTree begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct DirectiveList
The wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>
is a list type for directives.
Since directives must be differentiated, each index of the list has a tag indicating a type, through which the element must be retrieved.
size_t size()
Indicates the number of elements in the list.
virtual size_t size() = 0;
enum Type
This enumerates the various types which an element may take.
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::UNARY_GATE
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::BINARY_CONST_GATE
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::INPUT
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::ASSIGN
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::ASSERT_ZERO
corresponds to a
when used for the@assert_zero
gate andthis→assertZero(n)
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::DELETE_SINGLE
corresponds to a
when used for a@delete
directive andthis→deleteSingle(n)
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::DELETE_RANGE
corresponds to an
when used for a@delete
directive andthis→deleteRange(n)
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::FUNCTION_INVOKE
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::ANON_FUNCTION
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::FOR_LOOP
corresponds to
. wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::SWITCH_STATEMENT
corresponds to
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::Type type(size_t n)
Returns the type of the nth element in this list.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual Type type(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::BinaryGate* binaryGate(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::BinaryGate
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::BINARY_GATE
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::BinaryGate* binaryGate(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::UnaryGate* unaryGate(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::UnaryGate
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::UNARY_GATE
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::UnaryGate* unaryGate(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::BinaryConstGate<Number_T>* binaryConstGate(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::BinaryConstGate<Number_T>
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::BINARY_CONST_GATE
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::BinaryConstGate<Number_T>* binaryConstGate(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::Input* input(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::Input
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::INPUT
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::Input* input(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::Assign<Number_T>* assign(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::Assign<Number_T>
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::ASSIGN
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::Assign<Number_T>* assign(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::Terminal* assertZero(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::Terminal
type for the purpose of an @assert_zero
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::ASSERT_ZERO
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::Terminal* assertZero(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::Terminal* deleteSingle(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::Terminal
type for the purpose of a @delete
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::DELETE_SINGLE
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::Terminal* deleteSingle(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::WireRange* deleteRange(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::WireRange
type for the purpose of a @delete
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::DELETE_RANGE
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::WireRange* deleteRange(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::FunctionInvoke* functionInvoke(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::FunctionInvoke
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::FUNCTION_INVOKE
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::FunctionInvoke* functionInvoke(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::AnonFunction<Number_T>* anonFunction(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::AnonFunction<Number_T>
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::ANON_FUNCTION
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::AnonFunction<Number_T>* anonFunction(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>* forLoop(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::FOR_LOOP
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>* forLoop(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::SwitchStatement<Number_T>* switchStatement(size_t n)
Returns the nth element as a wtk::SwitchStatement<Number_T>
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::SWITCH_STATEMENT
otherwise undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::SwitchStatement<Number_T>* switchStatement(size_t n) = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the DirectiveList begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct BinaryGate
This represents a binary gate in the IR. Binary refers to the two-input wires of this gate, not numeric representation.
It has methods for left and right input wires as well as the output wire.
The specific gate type is the Calculation
enum Calculation
Indicates what calculation this gate performs.
wtk::BinaryGate::Calculation calculation()
returns which calculation the binary gate performs.
virtual Calculation calculation() = 0;
wtk::index_t outputWire()
Returns the gate’s output wire.
virtual wtk::index_t outputWire() = 0;
wtk::index_t leftWire()
Returns the gate’s left input wire.
virtual wtk::index_t leftWire() = 0;
wtk::index_t rightWire()
Returns the gate’s right input wire.
virtual wtk::index_t rightWire() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the binary gate begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct UnaryGate
This represents a unary gate in the IR. Unary refers to the single input wire of this gate, not numeric representation.
It has methods for the input wire as well as the output wire.
The specific gate type is the Calculation
enum Calculation
Indicates what calculation this gate performs.
$0 ← @not($1)
$0 ← $1
wtk::UnaryGate::Calculation calculation()
returns which calculation the unary gate performs.
virtual Calculation calculation() = 0;
wtk::index_t outputWire()
Returns the gate’s output wire.
virtual wtk::index_t outputWire() = 0;
wtk::index_t rightWire()
Returns the gate’s input wire.
virtual wtk::index_t inputWire() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the unary gate begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct BinaryConstGate
This represents a binary constant gate in the IR. Binary refers to the input wire and input constant of this gate, not numeric representation.
It has methods for left input wire and right input constant as well as the output wire.
The specific gate type is the Calculation
enum Calculation
Indicates what calculation this gate performs.
wtk::BinaryConstGate<Number_T>::Calculation calculation()
returns which calculation the binary gate performs.
virtual Calculation calculation() = 0;
wtk::index_t outputWire()
Returns the gate’s output wire.
virtual wtk::index_t outputWire() = 0;
wtk::index_t leftWire()
Returns the gate’s left input wire.
virtual wtk::index_t leftWire() = 0;
wtk::index_t rightWire()
Returns the gate’s right input constant.
virtual Number_T rightValue() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the binary constant gate begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct Input
Represents an input directive (either @instance
or @short_witness
the Stream
enumeration indicates from which stream to consume.
enum Stream
An enumeration of the IR stream resources.
wtk::Input::Stream stream()
Returns the stream from which this directive is to consume.
virtual Stream stream() = 0;
wtk::index_t outputWire()
Returns the stream consumption’s output wire.
virtual wtk::index_t outputWire() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the input directive begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct Assign
A directive that assigns a constant value to an output wire.
wtk::index_t outputWire()
Returns the assign directive’s output wire.
virtual wtk::index_t outputWire() = 0;
Number_T constValue()
Returns the assign directive’s constant input value.
virtual Number_T constValue() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the assign directive begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct Terminal
Represents a directive with just a single input wire.
Its name is derived from the fact that it has no output wires, thus "terminating" some sequence of gates.
It is used by the directives @assert_zero
and @delete
(for a single input wire), although they are distinguished by wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>::Type
rather than an enumeration within struct Terminal
wtk::index_t wire()
Returns the terminal’s single input wire.
virtual wtk::index_t wire() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the terminal begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct WireRange
Represents a range of wires in the IR.
It is used for the range form of the @delete
directive, as well as a component of the wtk::WireList
wtk::index_t first()
Returns the first wire in the range (consider it inclusive).
virtual wtk::index_t first() = 0;
wtk::index_t last()
Returns the last wire in the range (consider it inclusive).
virtual wtk::index_t last() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the wire range begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct WireList
The IR uses wire lists for holding parameters and returns to function-gates.
These lists are "ranged" such that the elements of the list do not correspond to the length of the list.
Some elements are individual wires, whereas other elements are ranges of wires.
Element type is given by the Type
size_t size()
Indicates how many elements are in the list (does not necessarily correspond to wire count).
virtual size_t size() = 0;
enum Type
Indicates if an element a single or a range element.
wtk::WireList::Type type(size_t n)
Returns the type of the nth element.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
or else undefined behavior occurs.
virtual Type type(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::index_t single(size_t n)
Returns the nth element in the list as a single element.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::WireList::SINGLE
or else undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::index_t single(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::WireRange* range(size_t n)
Returns the nth element in the list as a range element.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::WireList::RANGE
or else undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::WireRange* range(size_t n) = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the wire list begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct FunctionDeclare
This wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>
is the definition of a named function-gate.
It pairs with wtk::FunctionInvoke
for invocation.
They should be matched to eachother by a name (as a char*
char const* name()
Returns the name of the function.
virtual char const* name() = 0;
wtk::index_t outputCount()
Returns the number of output wires this function gate expects.
virtual wtk::index_t outputCount() = 0;
wtk::index_t inputCount()
Returns the number of input wires this function gate expects.
virtual wtk::index_t inputCount() = 0;
wtk::index_t instanceCount()
Returns the number of instance values this function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t instanceCount() = 0;
wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount()
Returns the number of short witness values this function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount() = 0;
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>* body()
returns the body of the function gate.
virtual DirectiveList<Number_T>* body() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the function declaration begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct FunctionInvoke
The wtk:FunctionInvoke
invokes a function gate, carrying a name which should match with the name of a wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>
char const* name()
Returns the name of the function gate.
virtual char const* name() = 0;
wtk::WireList* outputList()
Returns a wtk::WireList
for the output wires of this invocation.
virtual wtk::WireList* outputList() = 0;
wtk::WireList* inputList()
Returns a wtk::WireList
for the input wires of this invocation.
virtual wtk::WireList* inputList() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the function invocation begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct AnonFunction
The wtk::AnonFunction<Number_T>
is the simultaneous declaration and invocation of an anonymous function-gate.
It mirrors the structure of both wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>
and wtk::FunctionInvoke
, although without certain attributes such as name()
wtk::WireList* outputList()
Returns a wtk::WireList
for the output wires of this anonymous function.
virtual wtk::WireList* outputList() = 0;
wtk::WireList* inputList()
Returns a wtk::WireList
for the input wires of this anonymous function.
virtual wtk::WireList* inputList() = 0;
wtk::index_t instanceCount()
Returns the number of instance values this anonymous function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t instanceCount() = 0;
wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount()
Returns the number of short witness values this anonymous function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount() = 0;
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>* body()
returns the body of the anonymous function gate.
virtual DirectiveList<Number_T>* body() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the anonymous function declaration begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct IterExpr
The wtk::IterExpr
takes the place of wtk::index_t
in input and output lists of For Loop bodies.
Instead of representing an exact wire-index, these expressions evaluate to a wire-index, allowing the loop to traverse ranges of wires.
All iterator expressions are carried out over wtk::index_t
The expressions are a recursive datatype, with base cases for numeric literals and loop-iterators.
Recursive cases exist for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division by a constant.
The expression type is given by enum Type
enum Type
This enumerates the various types of expressions.
A numeric literal
A reference to a loop iterator
Addition expression of two sub-expressions
Subtraction expression of two sub-expressions
Multiplition expression of two sub-expressions
Division expression of one sub-expression and a constant divisor
wtk:IterExpr::Type type()
Returns the type of this expression.
virtual Type type() = 0;
wtk::index_t literal()
Returns this literal expression or the right-hand-side of this division expression as a wtk::index_t
If the following precondition isn’t met, then undefined behavior occurs (see also this→type()
and enum Type
this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::LITERAL
|| this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::DIV
virtual wtk::index_t literal() = 0;
char const* name()
Returns this loop-iterator expression as a char*
If the following precondition isn’t met, then undefined behavior occurs (see also this→type()
and enum Type
this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::ITERATOR
virtual wtk::index_t literal() = 0;
wtk::IterExpr* lhs()
Returns the left-hand-side of this expression.
If the following precondition isn’t met, then undefined behavior occurs (see also this→type()
and enum Type
this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::ADD
|| this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::SUB
|| this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::MUL
|| this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::DIV
virtual IterExpr* lhs() = 0;
wtk::IterExpr* lhs()
Returns the right-hand-side of this expression.
If the following precondition isn’t met, then undefined behavior occurs (see also this→type()
and enum Type
this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::ADD
|| this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::SUB
|| this->type() == wtk::IterExpr::MUL
virtual IterExpr* lhs() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the iterator expression begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct IterExprWireRange
Represents a range of iterator expressions, mirroring the form of wtk::WireRange
It is used as a component of the wtk::IterExprWireList
(which itself mirrors wtk::WireList
wtk::IterExpr* first()
Returns a wtk::IterExpr
for the first wire in the range (consider it inclusive).
virtual wtk::IterExpr* first() = 0;
wtk::IterExpr* last()
Returns a wtk::IterExpr
for the last wire in the range (consider it inclusive).
virtual wtk::IterExpr* last() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the wire range begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct IterExprWireList
Represents a list of iterator expressions, mirroring the form of wtk::WireList
For for-loop bodies, the input and output wire lists use these to enable traversal based on the loop iterator.
These lists are "ranged" such that the elements of the list do not correspond to the length of the list.
Some elements are individual expressions, whereas other elements are ranges of expressions.
Element type is given by the Type
size_t size()
Indicates how many elements are in the list (does not necessarily correspond to wire count).
virtual size_t size() = 0;
enum Type
Indicates if an element a single or a range element.
wtk::IterExprWireList::Type type(size_t n)
Returns the type of the nth element.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
or else undefined behavior occurs.
virtual Type type(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::ItereExpr* single(size_t n)
Returns the nth element in the list as a single element.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::IterExprWireList::SINGLE
or else undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::IterExpr* single(size_t n) = 0;
wtk::IterExprWireRange* range(size_t n)
Returns the nth element in the list as a range element.
must be in the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
and n
must have the type this→type(n) == wtk::IterExprWireList::RANGE
or else undefined behavior occurs.
virtual wtk::WireRange* range(size_t n) = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the wire list begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct IterExprFunctionInvoke
The wtk:IterExprFunctionInvoke
invokes a function gate as the body of a for-loop, carrying a name which should match with the name of a wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>
It mirrors wtk::FunctionInvoke
replacing input and output lists with wtk::IterExprWireList
char const* name()
Returns the name of the function gate.
virtual char const* name() = 0;
wtk::IterExprWireList* outputList()
Returns a wtk::IterExprWireList
for the output wires of this invocation.
virtual wtk::IterExprWireList* outputList() = 0;
wtk::IterExprWireList* inputList()
Returns a wtk::IterExprWireList
for the input wires of this invocation.
virtual wtk::IterExprWireList* inputList() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the function invocation begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct IterExprAnonFunction
The wtk::IterExprAnonFunction<Number_T>
is the simultaneous declaration and invocation of an anonymous function-gate as the body of a for-loop.
It mirrors the structure of both wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>
and wtk::FunctionInvoke
, although without certain attributes such as name()
, and with the input and output lists replaced by wtk::IterExprWireList
wtk::IterExprWireList* outputList()
Returns a wtk::IterExprWireList
for the output wires of this anonymous function.
virtual wtk::IterExprWireList* outputList() = 0;
wtk::IterExprWireList* inputList()
Returns a wtk::IterExprWireList
for the input wires of this anonymous function.
virtual wtk::IterExprWireList* inputList() = 0;
wtk::index_t instanceCount()
Returns the number of instance values this anonymous function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t instanceCount() = 0;
wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount()
Returns the number of short witness values this anonymous function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount() = 0;
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>* body()
returns the body of the anonymous function gate.
virtual DirectiveList<Number_T>* body() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the anonymous function declaration begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct ForLoop
This represents a for-loop directive in the IR.
wtk::WireList* outputList()
Returns the output list of the entire for-loop (not to be confused with the output list of one iteration of the for-loop) as a wtk::WireList
virtual WireList* outputList() = 0;
char const* iterName()
Returns the name of the loop’s iterator.
virtual char const* iterName() = 0;
wtk::index_t first()
Returns the first iteration of the loop (inclusive).
virtual wtk::index_t first() = 0;
wtk::index_t last()
Returns the last iteration of the loop (inclusive).
virtual wtk::index_t last() = 0;
enum BodyType
An enumeration to indicate whether the loop’s body is named or anonymous.
Named body (use
). wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>::ANONYMOUS
Anonymous body (use
BodyType bodyType()
Returns the body type of this for-loop.
virtual BodyType bodyType() = 0;
wtk::IterExprFunctionInvoke* invokeBody()
Returns the body of this for-loop as an wtk::IterExprFunctionInvoke
If the loop’s body type is not this→bodyType() == wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>::INVOKE
, then undefined behavior occurs.
virtual IterExprFunctionInvoke* invokeBody() = 0;
wtk::IterExprAnonFunction<Number_T>* anonymousBody()
Returns the body of this for-loop as an wtk::IterExprAnonFunction<Number_T>
If the loop’s body type is not this→bodyType() == wtk::ForLoop<Number_T>::ANONYMOUS
, then undefined behavior occurs.
virtual IterExprAnonFunction<Number_T>* anonymousBody() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the for-loop begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
struct CaseFunctionInvoke
The wtk:CaseFunctionInvoke
invokes a function gate as the body of a switch-case.
It mirrors the form of wtk::FunctionInvoke
, however, as the body of a switch-case, it is missing outputList()
char const* name()
Returns the name of the function gate.
virtual char const* name() = 0;
wtk::WireList* inputList()
Returns a wtk::WireList
for the input wires of this invocation.
virtual wtk::WireList* inputList() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the function invocation begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct CaseAnonFunction
The wtk:CaseAnonFunction
is the simultaneous declaration and invocation of an anonymous function-gate as the body of a switch-case.
It mirrors the structure of both wtk::FunctionDeclare<Number_T>
and wtk::FunctionInvoke
, although without certain attributes such as name()
or, as the body of a switch-case, outputList()
wtk::WireList* inputList()
Returns a wtk::WireList
for the input wires of this anonymous function.
virtual wtk::WireList* inputList() = 0;
wtk::index_t instanceCount()
Returns the number of instance values this anonymous function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t instanceCount() = 0;
wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount()
Returns the number of short witness values this anonymous function gate will consume.
virtual wtk::index_t shortWitnessCount() = 0;
wtk::DirectiveList<Number_T>* body()
returns the body of the anonymous function gate.
virtual DirectiveList<Number_T>* body() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the anonymous function declaration begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct CaseBlock
This represents a case within a switch-statement.
Number_T match()
Returns the field-literal which is matched against the switch-statement’s condition()
wire to indicate if this case is active.
virtual Number_T match() = 0;
enum BodyType
An enumeration to indicate whether the case’s body is named or anonymous.
Named body (use
). wtk::CaseBlock<Number_T>::ANONYMOUS
Anonymous body (use
BodyType bodyType()
Returns the body type of this case block.
virtual BodyType bodyType() = 0;
wtk::CaseFunctionInvoke* invokeBody()
Returns the body of this case-block as a wtk::CaseFunctionInvoke
If the case’s body type is not this→bodyType() == wtk::CaseBlock<Number_T>::INVOKE
, then undefined behavior occurs.
virtual CaseFunctionInvoke* invokeBody() = 0;
wtk::CaseAnonFunction<Number_T>* anonymousBody()
Returns the body of this case-block as a wtk::CaseAnonFunction<Number_T>
If the case’s body type is not this→bodyType() == wtk::CaseBlock<Number_T>::ANONYMOUS
, then undefined behavior occurs.
virtual CaseAnonFunction<Number_T>* anonymousBody() = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the case-block begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();
template<typename Number_T> struct SwitchStatement
This represents a switch-statement directive in the IR.
wtk::WireList* outputList()
Returns the switch-statement’s output list as a wtk::WireList
virtual wtk::WireList* outputList() = 0;
wtk::index_t condition()
Returns the condition (or "selector") wire of this switch-statement.
virtual wtk::index_t condition() = 0;
size_t size()
Returns the number of cases in the switch-statement.
virtual size_t size() = 0;
wtk::CaseBlock<Number_T>* caseBlock(size_t n)
Returns the n
th wtk::CaseBlock<Number_T>
in this switch-statement.
If n
is outside of the range n >= 0 && n < this→size()
, then undefined behavior occurs.
virtual CaseBlock<Number_T>* caseBlock(size_t n) = 0;
size_t lineNum()
Returns the line number at which the switch-statement begins.
It may be unsupported by the parser (for example line numbering is nonsensical in a binary format), in which case 0
is always returned.
virtual size_t lineNum();