BOLT Builder API

Table of Contents

Include this API as

#include <wtk/bolt/Builder.h>

Members of this API live in the following namespace

namespace wtk { namespace bolt { ...

The BOLT API is parameterized on two templates.


This template is the same integer-like template which the Parser API uses for numeric literals.


This template is an opaque structure supplied by the Backend for encapsulating data related to a wire. The Builder requires it to be default constructible/destructible, and the Evaluator requires it be mutable/overwritable.

template<typename Wire_T, typename Number_T> struct Builder

The wtk::bolt::Builder<Wire_T, Number_T> conducts the first stage of BOLT invocation — building an augmented/annotated syntax tree. It does its best to do this in O(s) time where s is the size of the syntax-tree. This is easy to do for most of the IR, however, certain classes of for-loops require work proportional to either number of iterations ("soft" unrolling), or proportional to iterations and size of the sub-syntax tree ("hard" unrolling).

Builder(Number_T const c)

The only constructor for a wtk::bolt::Builder<Wire_T, Number_T> requires just a single Number_T parameter for the circuit’s characteristic (prime modulus).

Builder(Number_T const c);

Bolt<Wire_T, Number_T>* build(wtk::IRTree<Number_T>* const tree)

This method builds a wtk::bolt::Bolt<Wire_T, Number_T> tree from the wtk::IRTree<Number_T> parameter. It returns nullptr when the tree violates IR well-formedness semantics. In the case that tree == nullptr then undefined behavior occurs. Multiple invocations of build(…​) on the same object will result in undefined behavior.

wtk::bolt::Bolt<Wire_T, Number_T>* build(wtk::IRTree<Number_T>* const tree);