Boolean PLASMASnooze Streaming API

Table of Contents

Include this API as

#include <wtk/bolt/BooleanPLASMASnoozeHandler.h>

Members of this API live in the following namespace

namespace wtk { namespace bolt { ...

The BOLT API is parameterized on two templates.


This template is the same integer-like template which the Parser API uses for numeric literals. For Boolean relations, this is fixed to uint8_t.


This template is an opaque structure supplied by the Backend for encapsulating data related to a wire. PLASMASnooze requires it to be default constructible/destructible, and mutable/overwritable.

template<template Wire_T, typename Number_T> class BooleanPLASMASnoozeHandler

The wtk::bolt::BooleanPLASMASnoozeHandler<Wire_T, Number_T> implements the wtk::BooleanStreamHandler abstract class with callbacks for interpreting wire-numbers and making calls to the wtk::bolt::Backend<Wire_T, uint8_t> callback API.

BooleanPLASMASnoozeHandler(wtk::bolt::Backend<Wire_T, uint8_t>* const b, wtk::InputStream<uint8_t>* const ins, wtk::InputStream<uint8_t>* const wit)

The constructor requires a wtk::bolt::Backend<Wire_T, uint8_t>* for ZK callbacks, as well as two wtk::InputStream<uint8_t>* parameters for the instance and short witness. The second input stream (short witness) may be nullptr, as may be necessary for verifier implementations.

    wtk::bolt::Backend<Wire_T, uint8_t>* const b,
    wtk::InputStream<uint8_t>* const ins,
    wtk::InputStream<uint8_t>* const wit);

wtk::Bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus check()

After stream parsing/processing the check() method retrieves a status (wtk::PLASMASnoozeStatus).

wtk::bolt::PLASMASnoozeStatus check();