Simple Arithmetic Demo Backend with Plugins

This backend focuses on implementing arithmetic ZK and adds plugins to the IR’s core functionality. Although the sample does demonstrate multiple fields and conversion (field switching), it should be simple enough to just remove converter related stuff.

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>

// Parsers
#include <wtk/Parser.h>                // top level API
#include <wtk/circuit/Parser.h>        // circuit IR API
#include <wtk/circuit/Data.h>          // structs used by the circuit parser API
#include <wtk/irregular/Parser.h>      // text parser implementation

#include <wtk/utils/ParserOrganizer.h> // "owner"/"organizer" for parsers

// Backend API
#include <wtk/TypeBackend.h>           // per-field/type backend callback API
#include <wtk/Converter.h>             // field switching API

// NAILS Interpreter
#include <wtk/nails/Interpreter.h>     // main actor of the NAILS API
#include <wtk/nails/Handler.h>         // bridge between NAILS and the Parser
#include <wtk/nails/Functions.h>       // helpers for NAILS functions

// Plugin API
#include <wtk/plugins/Plugin.h>        // The general Plugin API
#include <wtk/plugins/Multiplexer.h>   // Specific to each feature...
#include <wtk/plugins/ArithmeticRAM.h>
#include <wtk/plugins/Vectors.h>       // WizToolKit bonus plugin
#include <wtk/nails/IterPlugin.h>

// An unbounded (or big enough not to overflow) numeric type.
#include <gmpxx.h>
using Number = mpz_class;
// using Number = uint64_t; 

#include <wtk/utils/NumUtils.gmp.h> // GMP specific hacks

// Struct containing the data carried between gates ("wires")
struct MyWire { };

// Backend implementation of callbacks
struct MyBackend : wtk::TypeBackend<Number, MyWire>
  bool assertFailure = false;

  // TypeSpec is a wrapper for the IR's types (field/ring/...)
  MyBackend(wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number> const* t)
    : wtk::TypeBackend<Number, MyWire>(t) { }

  // $0 <- <0>;
  void assign(MyWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
    (void) output;
    (void) input_value;

  // $1 <- $0;
  void copy(MyWire* output, MyWire const* input_wire) override
    (void) output;
    (void) input_wire;

  // $2 <- @add($0, $1);
  void addGate(MyWire* output,
      MyWire const* left_input, MyWire const* right_input) override
    (void) output;
    (void) left_input;
    (void) right_input;

  // $3 <- @add($1, $2);
  void mulGate(MyWire* output,
      MyWire const* left_input, MyWire const* right_input) override
    (void) output;
    (void) left_input;
    (void) right_input;

  // $4 <- @addc($3, <1>);
  void addcGate(MyWire* output,
      MyWire const* left_input, Number&& right_input) override
    (void) output;
    (void) left_input;
    (void) right_input;

  // $4 <- @addc($3, <2>);
  void mulcGate(MyWire* output,
      MyWire const* left_input, Number&& right_input) override
    (void) output;
    (void) left_input;
    (void) right_input;

  // @assert_zero($4);
  // Failures may occur, but should get cached until the end when "check()"
  // is called
  void assertZero(MyWire const* input_wire) override
    (void) input_wire;
    // check that the input wire == 0
    this->assertFailure = false || this->assertFailure;

  // $5 <- @public_in();
  void publicIn(MyWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
    (void) output;
    (void) input_value;

  // $5 <- @private_in();
  void privateIn(MyWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
    (void) output;
    (void) input_value;

  // indicates if any failures occured.
  // Normally true, false on failure.
  bool check() override
    return !this->assertFailure;

  void finish() override
    // optional cleanup tasks.

// Subclass the Converter type to implement conversion.
struct MyConverter : public wtk::Converter<MyWire, MyWire>
  // Maybe you need the output and input primes
  Number outPrime;
  Number inPrime;

  // The parent constructor requires the length of output and input which
  // this Converter will handle.
  MyConverter(size_t out_len, Number op, size_t in_len, Number ip)
    : wtk::Converter<MyWire, MyWire>(out_len, in_len),
      outPrime(op), inPrime(ip) { }

  void convert(MyWire* const out_wires,
      MyWire const* const in_wires, bool modulus) override
    // Your Code Here!

    // out_wires has length this->outLength
    (void) out_wires;
    // in_wires has the length this->inLength
    (void) in_wires;

      // An overflowing conversion should behave modularly
      // An overflowing conversion should fail
      if(false/* an overflow occurred */) { this->success = false; }

  // The success or failure is cached until the user calls check at the end.
  bool success = false;
  bool check() override { return success; }

int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
  wtk::utils::ParserOrganizer<wtk::irregular::Parser<Number>, Number> organizer;

  // Open and organize files
  for(size_t i = 1; i < (size_t) argc; i++)
      printf("failed to open %s\n", argv[i]);
      return 1;

  wtk::utils::Setting setting = organizer.organize();
  if(setting == wtk::utils::Setting::failure)
    printf("failed to organize inputs\n");
    return 1;

  // Create a nails interpreter
  wtk::nails::Interpreter<Number> interpreter(organizer.circuitName);

  // Create a plugins manager, which requires templates for all possible wires
      MyWire,                                 // most plugins
      wtk::plugins::FallbackRAMBuffer<MyWire> // RAM has special buffer wires
    > plugins_manager;

  // Hoist the iteration plugin's allocation, for memory lifetime purposes.
  wtk::nails::MapOperation<Number> map_operation(&interpreter);

  // Scan the plugins required in the circuit's header.
  for(size_t i = 0; i < organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins.size(); i++)
    // Recognize each plugin by name
    if("mux_v0" == organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins[i])
      // Allocate a multiplexer plugin, and hand it off to the plugins_manager.
      std::unique_ptr<wtk::plugins::Plugin<Number, MyWire>> mux_plugin(
          new wtk::plugins::FallbackMultiplexerPlugin<Number, MyWire>());
      plugins_manager.addPlugin("mux_v0", std::move(mux_plugin));
    else if("wizkit_vectors" == organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins[i])
      // Allocate a vectors plugin, and hand it off to the plugins_manager.
      std::unique_ptr<wtk::plugins::Plugin<Number, MyWire>> vector_plugin(
          new wtk::plugins::FallbackVectorPlugin<Number, MyWire>());
      plugins_manager.addPlugin("wizkit_vectors", std::move(vector_plugin));
    else if("iter_v0" == organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins[i])
      // The iter plugin is supplied by the NAILS interpreter as a single
      // instantiable operation, contrary to most other plugins.
      plugins_manager.addPlugin("iter_v0", map_operation.makePlugin<MyWire>());
    else if("ram_arith_v0" == organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins[i]
        || "ram_arith_v1" == organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins[i])
      char const* const ram_name =
      // When allocating the RAM plugin, notice how the parent pointer's type
      // changes to have a buffer template, while the allocation still has
      // the ordinary wire type. This is due to how the RAM plugin specializes
      // its parent class.
      // Note, the fallback for RAM is currently a naive linear scan.
        wtk::plugins::FallbackRAMBuffer<MyWire>>> RAM_plugin(
            new wtk::plugins::FallbackRAMPlugin<Number, MyWire>());
      plugins_manager.addPlugin(ram_name, std::move(RAM_plugin));
      printf("unrecognized plugin \"%s\"\n",
      return 1;

  // Create storage for backends, one backend for each type/field
  std::vector<MyBackend> backends;
  // Reserve is necessary otherwise multiple fields (vector growths)
  // invalidate prior pointers.

  // Create storage for RAM backends, Note, its possible to have multiple
  // RAM backends, if multiple types and corresponding RAM types are declared.
  std::vector<wtk::plugins::FallbackRAMBackend<Number, MyWire>> ram_backends;
  ram_backends.reserve(organizer.circuitBodyParser->types.size() / 2);

  // To instantiate RAM backends, we need to know where the corresponding
  // element's backend is.
  std::vector<bool> is_ram;
  std::vector<size_t> backend_place;

  // Create each type/field in the same order as required by the relation
  // Notice that the counter, i, may be used as the type index.
  for(size_t i = 0; i < organizer.circuitBodyParser->types.size(); i++)
    wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>* const type =

    // Check if it's a RAM or regular field type.
    if(type->variety == wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>::plugin
        && (type-> == "ram_arith_v0"
          || type-> == "ram_arith_v1")
        && type->binding.operation == "ram")
      // The plugin must supply the following values, although not all are used
      wtk::type_idx type_index = 0;
      wtk::wire_idx num_allocs = 0;
      wtk::wire_idx total_allocs = 0;
      wtk::wire_idx max_alloc = 0;
      bool has_alloc_hints = type-> == "ram_arith_v0";

      // WizToolKit helper for getting the hintsfrom the type's plugin binding,
      // But only the v0 plugin has the hints.
      if(has_alloc_hints && !wtk::plugins::checkRAMv0Type(
            type, &type_index, &num_allocs, &total_allocs, &max_alloc))
        return 1;

      // these ones don't get used by the fallback.
        (void) num_allocs;
        (void) total_allocs;
        (void) max_alloc;

      // check that the type index refers to a field wire.
      if((size_t) type_index >= is_ram.size()
          || is_ram[(size_t) type_index])
        printf("type %zu is unsuitable as a RAM element", (size_t) type_index);
        return 1;

      // finally allocate and supply the backend
          type, type_index, &backends[backend_place[(size_t) type_index]]);
      interpreter.addType(&ram_backends.back(), nullptr, nullptr);
      plugins_manager.addBackend((wtk::type_idx) i, &ram_backends.back());

      // record the RAM backend's position
      backend_place.push_back(ram_backends.size() - 1);
    else if(type->variety != wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>::field)
      printf("Type %zu is a plugin (not yet supported)\n", i);
      return 1;
      // construct another backend with this prime
      // add the backend and its streams to the interpreter
      plugins_manager.addBackend((wtk::type_idx) i, &backends.back());

      // record the backend's position incase it's used as a RAM element
      backend_place.push_back(backends.size() - 1);

  // Create a storage vector for converters, one for each ConversionSpec
  std::vector<MyConverter> converters;
  // Reserve necessary space, otherwise vector growth will invalidate pointers

  for(size_t i = 0; i < organizer.circuitBodyParser->conversions.size(); i++)
    // pointer to the conversion spec (outType, outLength, inType, inLength)
    wtk::circuit::ConversionSpec* const spec =

    // get the TypeSpecs corresponding to the out and input types.
    wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>* const out_type =
      &organizer.circuitBodyParser->types[(size_t) spec->outType];
    wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>* const in_type =
      &organizer.circuitBodyParser->types[(size_t) spec->inType];

    // call the constructor for our converter
        spec->outLength, out_type->prime, spec->inLength, in_type->prime);
    // add the converter to the interpreter
    interpreter.addConversion(spec, &converters.back());

  // Create the nails handler (accepts/directs gates from the parser)
  wtk::nails::GatesFunctionFactory<Number> func_factory;        // boilerplate
  wtk::nails::Handler<Number> handler(
      &interpreter, &func_factory, &plugins_manager);

  // parse the relation and pass each gate off through NAILS and into
  // the backends.
    printf("parser failure\n");
    return 1;

  // Check that all the fields succeeded
  int ret = 0;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < backends.size(); i++)
      printf("failure in field %zu\n", i);
      ret = 1;


  // Check that all the conversions succeeded
  for(size_t i = 0; i < converters.size(); i++)
      printf("failure during conversion\n");
      ret = 1;

  return ret;

Download the C++ in case the above does not display or you wish to modify the example.