#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
// Parsers
#include <wtk/Parser.h> // top level API
#include <wtk/circuit/Parser.h> // circuit IR API
#include <wtk/circuit/Data.h> // structs used by the circuit parser API
#include <wtk/irregular/Parser.h> // text parser implementation
#include <wtk/utils/ParserOrganizer.h> // "owner"/"organizer" for parsers
// Backend API
#include <wtk/TypeBackend.h> // per-field/type backend callback API
#include <wtk/Converter.h> // field switching API
// NAILS Interpreter
#include <wtk/nails/Interpreter.h> // main actor of the NAILS API
#include <wtk/nails/Handler.h> // bridge between NAILS and the Parser
#include <wtk/nails/Functions.h> // helpers for NAILS functions
// Plugin API (boilerplate in this example)
#include <wtk/plugins/Plugin.h>
// An unbounded (or big enough not to overflow) numeric type.
#include <gmpxx.h>
using Number = mpz_class;
// using Number = uint64_t;
#include <wtk/utils/NumUtils.gmp.h> // GMP specific hacks
// Struct containing the data carried between gates ("wires")
// We'll use this struct for arithmetic
struct MyWire { };
// And for boolean, we'll bit-bang everything into a uint8
using BoolWire = uint8_t;
// This struct implements the TypeBackend callbacks for arithmetic types.
struct MyBackend : wtk::TypeBackend<Number, MyWire>
bool assertFailure = false;
// TypeSpec is a wrapper for the IR's types (field/ring/...)
MyBackend(wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number> const* t)
: wtk::TypeBackend<Number, MyWire>(t) { }
// $0 <- <0>;
void assign(MyWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
(void) output;
(void) input_value;
// $1 <- $0;
void copy(MyWire* output, MyWire const* input_wire) override
(void) output;
(void) input_wire;
// $2 <- @add($0, $1);
void addGate(MyWire* output,
MyWire const* left_input, MyWire const* right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// $3 <- @add($1, $2);
void mulGate(MyWire* output,
MyWire const* left_input, MyWire const* right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// $4 <- @addc($3, <1>);
void addcGate(MyWire* output,
MyWire const* left_input, Number&& right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// $4 <- @addc($3, <2>);
void mulcGate(MyWire* output,
MyWire const* left_input, Number&& right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// @assert_zero($4);
// Failures may occur, but should get cached until the end when "check()"
// is called
void assertZero(MyWire const* input_wire) override
(void) input_wire;
// check that the input wire == 0
this->assertFailure = false || this->assertFailure;
// $5 <- @public_in();
void publicIn(MyWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
(void) output;
(void) input_value;
// $5 <- @private_in();
void privateIn(MyWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
(void) output;
(void) input_value;
// indicates if any failures occured.
// Normally true, false on failure.
bool check() override
return !this->assertFailure;
void finish() override
// optional cleanup tasks.
// This struct implements the TypeBackend callbacks for the Boolean type.
struct BoolBackend : wtk::TypeBackend<Number, BoolWire>
bool assertFailure = false;
// We should be safe to default construct this and assume prime==2
BoolBackend(wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number> const* t)
: wtk::TypeBackend<Number, BoolWire>(t) { }
// $0 <- <0>;
void assign(BoolWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
(void) output;
(void) input_value;
// $1 <- $0;
void copy(BoolWire* output, BoolWire const* input_wire) override
(void) output;
(void) input_wire;
// $2 <- @add($0, $1);
void addGate(BoolWire* output,
BoolWire const* left_input, BoolWire const* right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// $3 <- @add($1, $2);
void mulGate(BoolWire* output,
BoolWire const* left_input, BoolWire const* right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// $4 <- @addc($3, <1>);
void addcGate(BoolWire* output,
BoolWire const* left_input, Number&& right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// $4 <- @addc($3, <2>);
void mulcGate(BoolWire* output,
BoolWire const* left_input, Number&& right_input) override
(void) output;
(void) left_input;
(void) right_input;
// @assert_zero($4);
// Failures may occur, but should get cached until the end when "check()"
// is called
void assertZero(BoolWire const* input_wire) override
(void) input_wire;
// check that the input wire == 0
this->assertFailure = false || this->assertFailure;
// $5 <- @public_in();
void publicIn(BoolWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
(void) output;
(void) input_value;
// $5 <- @private_in();
void privateIn(BoolWire* output, Number&& input_value) override
(void) output;
(void) input_value;
// indicates if any failures occured.
// Normally true, false on failure.
bool check() override
return !this->assertFailure;
void finish() override
// optional cleanup tasks.
// Subclass the Converter type to implement conversion.
// Due to the <MyWire, MyWire> template fill, these converters goes from one
// arithmetic type to another arithmetic type
struct MyConverter : public wtk::Converter<MyWire, MyWire>
// Maybe you need the output and input primes
Number outPrime;
Number inPrime;
// The parent constructor requires the length of output and input which
// this Converter will handle.
MyConverter(size_t out_len, Number op, size_t in_len, Number ip)
: wtk::Converter<MyWire, MyWire>(out_len, in_len),
outPrime(op), inPrime(ip) { }
void convert(MyWire* const out_wires,
MyWire const* const in_wires, bool modulus) override
// Your Code Here!
// out_wires has length this->outLength
(void) out_wires;
// in_wires has the length this->inLength
(void) in_wires;
// An overflowing conversion should behave modularly
// An overflowing conversion should fail
if(false/* an overflow occurred */) { this->success = false; }
// The success or failure is cached until the user calls check at the end.
bool success = false;
bool check() override { return success; }
// Subclass the Converter type to implement conversion.
// Due to the <MyWire, BoolWire> template fill, these converters goes from the
// boolean type to an arithmetic type
struct ConverterFromBool
: public wtk::Converter</*out*/ MyWire, /*in*/ BoolWire>
// The output prime is probably relevant, but it should be safe to assume
// the input prime is 2
Number outPrime;
// The parent constructor requires the length of output and input which
// this Converter will handle.
ConverterFromBool(size_t out_len, Number op, size_t in_len)
: wtk::Converter<MyWire, BoolWire>(out_len, in_len), outPrime(op) { }
void convert(MyWire* const out_wires,
BoolWire const* const in_wires, bool modulus) override
// Your Code Here!
// out_wires has length this->outLength
(void) out_wires;
// in_wires has the length this->inLength
(void) in_wires;
// An overflowing conversion should behave modularly
// An overflowing conversion should fail
if(false/* an overflow occurred */) { this->success = false; }
// The success or failure is cached until the user calls check at the end.
bool success = false;
bool check() override { return success; }
// Subclass the Converter type to implement conversion.
// Due to the <BoolWire, MyWire> template fill, these converters goes from an
// arithmetic type to a boolean type
struct ConverterToBool : public wtk::Converter</*out*/ BoolWire, /*in*/ MyWire>
// The input prime is probably relevant, but it should be safe to assume
// the output prime is 2
Number inPrime;
// The parent constructor requires the length of output and input which
// this Converter will handle.
ConverterToBool(size_t out_len, size_t in_len, Number ip)
: wtk::Converter<BoolWire, MyWire>(out_len, in_len), inPrime(ip) { }
void convert(BoolWire* const out_wires,
MyWire const* const in_wires, bool modulus) override
// Your Code Here!
// out_wires has length this->outLength
(void) out_wires;
// in_wires has the length this->inLength
(void) in_wires;
// An overflowing conversion should behave modularly
// An overflowing conversion should fail
if(false/* an overflow occurred */) { this->success = false; }
// The success or failure is cached until the user calls check at the end.
bool success = false;
bool check() override { return success; }
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
wtk::utils::ParserOrganizer<wtk::irregular::Parser<Number>, Number> organizer;
// Open and organize files
for(size_t i = 1; i < (size_t) argc; i++)
printf("failed to open %s\n", argv[i]);
return 1;
wtk::utils::Setting setting = organizer.organize();
if(setting == wtk::utils::Setting::failure)
printf("failed to organize inputs\n");
return 1;
// Create a nails interpreter
wtk::nails::Interpreter<Number> interpreter(organizer.circuitName);
// Check for plugins, because they are not yet supported.
if(organizer.circuitBodyParser->plugins.size() != 0)
printf("plugins are not yet supported\n");
return 1;
// Create storage for backends, one backend for each type/field
std::vector<MyBackend> backends;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BoolBackend>> bool_backends;
// Reserve is necessary with non-pointer storage, otherwise additional
// fields (triggering vector growth) can invalidate prior pointers.
// If it is necessary to access all backends from a single vector, then their
// type erased parent class may be used.
std::vector<wtk::TypeBackendEraser<Number>*> all_backends;
// Create each type/field in the same order as required by the relation
for(size_t i = 0; i < organizer.circuitBodyParser->types.size(); i++)
wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>* const type =
// Check that its a field not a plugin type.
if(type->variety != wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>::field)
printf("Type %zu is not a prime field (not yet supported)\n", i);
return 1;
if(type->prime == 2)
// construct a boolean backend with this prime
bool_backends.emplace_back(new BoolBackend(type));
// Add the backend and its streams to the interpreter
// Add the backend to the all_backends tracker
// construct another backend with this prime
// add the backend and its streams to the interpreter
// Add the backend to the all_backends tracker
// Create a storage vector for converters, one for each ConversionSpec
std::vector<MyConverter> converters;
std::vector<ConverterToBool> to_bool_converters;
std::vector<ConverterFromBool> from_bool_converters;
// Reserve necessary space, otherwise vector growth will invalidate pointers
for(size_t i = 0; i < organizer.circuitBodyParser->conversions.size(); i++)
// pointer to the conversion spec (outType, outLength, inType, inLength)
wtk::circuit::ConversionSpec* const spec =
// get the TypeSpecs corresponding to the out and input types.
wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>* const out_type =
&organizer.circuitBodyParser->types[(size_t) spec->outType];
wtk::circuit::TypeSpec<Number>* const in_type =
&organizer.circuitBodyParser->types[(size_t) spec->inType];
if(out_type->prime == 2)
// construct a "to bool" converter
spec->outLength, spec->inLength, in_type->prime);
// add the converter to the inpterpreter
interpreter.addConversion(spec, &to_bool_converters.back());
else if(in_type->prime == 2)
// construct a "from bool" converter
spec->outLength, out_type->prime, spec->inLength);
// add the converter to the inpterpreter
interpreter.addConversion(spec, &from_bool_converters.back());
// call the constructor for our converter
spec->outLength, out_type->prime, spec->inLength, in_type->prime);
// add the converter to the interpreter
interpreter.addConversion(spec, &converters.back());
// Create the nails handler (accepts/directs gates from the parser)
wtk::nails::GatesFunctionFactory<Number> func_factory; // boilerplate
wtk::plugins::PluginsManager<Number, MyWire, BoolWire> plugins_manager; // boilerplate
wtk::nails::Handler<Number> handler(
&interpreter, &func_factory, &plugins_manager);
// parse the relation and pass each gate off through NAILS and into
// the backends.
printf("parser failure\n");
return 1;
// Check that all the fields succeeded
int ret = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < backends.size(); i++)
printf("failure in field %zu\n", i);
ret = 1;
// Check that all the conversions succeeded
for(size_t i = 0; i < converters.size(); i++)
printf("failure during conversion\n");
ret = 1;
// Check that all the to-bool conversions succeeded
for(size_t i = 0; i < to_bool_converters.size(); i++)
printf("failure during conversion\n");
ret = 1;
// Check that all the from-bool conversions succeeded
for(size_t i = 0; i < from_bool_converters.size(); i++)
printf("failure during conversion\n");
ret = 1;
return ret;
Arithmetic and Boolean Demo Backend
This sample demonstrates a backend where arithmetic and boolean fields may be mixed.
Download the C++ in case the above does not display or you wish to modify the example.