1. Introduction

PFSS is a library for function secret sharing (FSS).

The C API is defined in the src/c_cpp/include/pfss.h file.

To build PFSS, you’ll need make, a C compiler, and a C++ compiler.

PFSS requires CPU or library support for certain cryptographic operations. This can be either the AES-NI extension for x86 family CPUs, the Cryptographic Extension for ARM family CPUs, or the Nettle library. Nettle should be readily available through most package managers. For example, on Ubuntu, Nettle can be installed with sudo apt-get install nettle-dev. If you have AES-NI or ARM Crypto, Nettle is not required. If you have none of these, make will fail.

You can build and install PFSS with the following commands:

./configure CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native'
sudo make install

If you don’t want to install PFSS to your system, you can replace the sudo make install command with make DESTDIR="$(pwd)"/tmp install to perform a staged install to a local directory tmp. You can then use those files however you want.

2. Build examples

This section provides several examples of building and installing PFSS. These examples will assume that we’re building an application that’s particularly interested in domain_bits = 80 and range_bits = 16.

Building and installing on a typical x86-64 machine:

# Enable template optimizations only for (80,16).
echo "80 16" >switch_db_rb.cfg

# Set up our compiler flags.
export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native"

# Run ./configure, ensuring that it detects AES-NI.
./configure --with-aes-ni

# Compile, run the test suite, and install.
make check
sudo make install

Cross compiling for Android ARMv8-A on a typical x86-64 Linux machine:

# Enable template optimizations only for (80,16).
echo "80 16" >switch_db_rb.cfg

# Download and extract the Android NDK.
wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r21c-linux-x86_64.zip
unzip android-ndk-r21c-linux-x86_64.zip

# Set up the environment as recommended by
# <https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/other_build_systems>.
export NDK=$(pwd)/android-ndk-r21c
export TOOLCHAIN=$NDK/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
export TARGET=aarch64-linux-android
export API=21
export AR=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-ar
export AS=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-as
export CC=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang
export CXX=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang++
export LD=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-ld
export RANLIB=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-ranlib
export STRIP=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-strip

# Set up our compiler flags.
export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=armv8-a+crypto"

# Run ./configure, ensuring that it detects ARM Crypto and JNI.
./configure --build x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host $TARGET \
            --with-arm-crypto --with-jni

# Compile and do a staged install.
make DESTDIR=$(pwd)/staged install

# List the files of the staged install.
find staged ! -type d

# You may also need the libc++_shared.so library from the NDK:
# $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so

3. Hardware acceleration

PFSS can optionally be compiled to use special CPU instructions for increased performance. The ./configure step of the build system automatically detects which of these instructions are available under the specified compiler flags and enables them in the code accordingly.

The terms build system and host system are generally used to refer to the system on which you are compiling the code and the system on which you will be running the compiled code, respectively. This overloads the term “build system”, which is also generally used to refer to the overall build system, but the meaning should be clear from context.

3.1. x86 acceleration

For the x86 family of CPUs, there is one CPU instruction set that can be enabled: AES-NI.

You can generally enable AES-NI by adding -maes to both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. If you’re not cross-compiling, it’s usually sufficient to specify -march=native without any other -m options.

You can also specify --with-aes-ni to ./configure to instruct it to verify that AES-NI was detected, failing if not.

3.2. ARM acceleration

For the ARM family of CPUs, there is one CPU instruction set that can be enabled: ARM Crypto.

You can generally enable ARM Crypto by adding -march=armv8-a+crypto to both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. You can adjust this flag as needed, it is only the +crypto extension that is required. If you’re not cross-compiling, it’s usually sufficient to specify -march=native without any other -m options.

You can also specify --with-arm-crypto to ./configure to instruct it to verify that ARM Crypto was detected, failing if not.

4. Logging

PFSS includes a logging layer that can be enabled at build time by specifying the --with-logging option to ./configure. When logging is enabled and a log file has been set by calling the pfss_set_log_file function, every call to the PFSS C API will write a line to the log file with information about the call. Each line has the following format, which is based on the format used by the strace utility:

time func(args) = ret <dura>

The Unix time at which the call was made, in nanoseconds.


The name of the function that was called.


The arguments that were passed to the function.


The value the function returned.


The amount of time the call took, in nanoseconds.

5. Benchmarking

PFSS provides a command-line utility named pfss-benchmark for benchmarking the PFSS library.

6. C API

6.1. The pfss_set_log_file function

C and C++
FILE * pfss_set_log_file(
  FILE * log_file

The pfss_set_log_file function sets the logging destination to log_file and returns the previous logging destination.

A null pointer indicates logging is disabled.

If logging was not enabled at build time with ./configure --with-logging, getting and setting the logging destination still behaves normally, but logging is always disabled.

6.2. The pfss_get_log_file function

C and C++
FILE * pfss_get_log_file(

The pfss_get_log_file function returns the logging destination.

A null pointer indicates logging is disabled.

If logging was not enabled at build time with ./configure --with-logging, getting and setting the logging destination still behaves normally, but logging is always disabled.

6.3. The pfss_status type

typedef uint32_t pfss_status;

The pfss_status type represents a status code of a function call. Most PFSS functions return a pfss_status code.

pfss_status is guaranteed to be an alias of uint32_t.

Each status code is defined as a macro that expands to an integer constant expression that can be used in both normal code and in preprocessor arithmetic. In normal code, the type of the expression is pfss_status.

The status codes and their meanings are listed below. Note that some meanings are more descriptive than others. Functions generally return the most descriptive status code they can.

  • 0 (0x0) PFSS_OK
    The function succeeded.

    The function failed.

    The function failed because of an invalid argument.

    The function failed because of an invalid argument. In particular, an argument was incorrectly a null pointer.







6.4. The pfss_get_status_name function

C and C++
char const * pfss_get_status_name(
  pfss_status status

The pfss_get_status_name function returns a pointer to a constant string with static storage duration that holds the name of the status code status. If status is not a valid status code, the string will be "PFSS_UNKNOWN_STATUS".

6.5. The pfss_endianness type

typedef uint32_t pfss_endianness;

The pfss_endianness type describes the byte order of an integer value.

The endianness constants and their meanings are listed below.

    The native byte order of the system.

    Little endian byte order.

  • 2 (0x2) PFSS_BIG_ENDIAN
    Big endian byte order.

6.6. The pfss_gen_sizes function

pfss_status pfss_gen_sizes(
  uint32_t   domain_bits,
  uint32_t   range_bits,
  uint32_t * key_blob_size,
  uint32_t * rand_buf_size

The pfss_gen_sizes function determines how big each of the key blobs generated by the pfss_gen function will be for the given domain_bits and range_bits values, and how many random bytes will be needed to generate them.

6.7. The pfss_gen function

pfss_status pfss_gen(
  uint32_t        domain_bits,
  uint32_t        range_bits,
  uint8_t const * alpha,
  uint32_t        alpha_size,
  pfss_endianness alpha_endianness,
  uint8_t const * beta,
  uint32_t        beta_size,
  pfss_endianness beta_endianness,
  uint8_t *       key1_blob,
  uint8_t *       key2_blob,
  uint8_t const * rand_buf

The pfss_gen function generates two key blobs that form a secret sharing of the function \(f : \{0,1\}^\mathtt{domain\_bits} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\mathtt{range\_bits}\) defined by \(f(\mathtt{alpha}) = \mathtt{beta}\) and \(f(x) = 0\) everywhere else.

domain_bits and range_bits should both be nonzero.

alpha should be an unsigned integer that consists of alpha_size bytes in alpha_endianness byte order. The bits are ordered from least to most significant, and any bits above the least significant domain_bits bits are ignored. alpha_size should be nonzero.

beta should be an unsigned integer that consists of beta_size bytes in beta_endianness byte order. The bits are ordered from least to most significant, and any bits above the least significant range_bits bits are ignored. beta_size should be nonzero.

The key blobs will be written to the key1_blob and key2_blob arrays. The size of both arrays should be the size obtained by a call to the pfss_gen_sizes function with the same domain_bits and range_bits values.

rand_buf should be an array of random bytes. The size of the array should be the size obtained by a call to the pfss_gen_sizes function with the same domain_bits and range_bits values.

6.8. The pfss_map_gen function

pfss_status pfss_map_gen(
  uint32_t        domain_bits,
  uint32_t        range_bits,
  uint8_t const * alphas,
  uint32_t        alphas_count,
  uint32_t        alpha_size,
  pfss_endianness alpha_endianness,
  uint8_t const * betas,
  uint32_t        beta_size,
  pfss_endianness beta_endianness,
  uint8_t *       key1_blobs,
  uint8_t *       key2_blobs,
  uint8_t const * rand_bufs

The pfss_map_gen function creates FSS key pairs for each of the alphas_count elements of alphas and betas, storing the key pairs inside key1_blobs and key2_blobs. Each element of alphas should be an unsigned integer that consists of alpha_size bytes in alpha_endianness byte order. Each element of betas should be an unsigned integer that consists of beta_size bytes in beta_endianness byte order. Each element in alphas should be less than 2^domain_bits and each element of betas should be less than 2^range_bits. As long as the values of each element in alphas and betas are in range, alpha_size and beta_size can be arbitrarily large or small, but they must not be zero. key1_blobs and key2_blobs should be containers consisting of alphas_count * key_blob_size bytes. Similarly, rand_bufs should be a container consisting of alphas_count * rand_buf_size bytes. The function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure.

6.9. The pfss_key type

typedef struct pfss_key pfss_key;

The pfss_key type represents a key that has been parsed from a key blob.

6.10. The pfss_parse_key function

pfss_status pfss_parse_key(
  pfss_key * *    p_key,
  uint8_t const * key_blob,
  uint32_t        key_blob_size

The pfss_parse_key function parses a key blob.

6.11. The pfss_destroy_key function

pfss_status pfss_destroy_key(
  pfss_key * key

The pfss_destroy_key function destroys a key.

6.12. The pfss_get_domain_bits function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_get_domain_bits(
  pfss_key const * key,
  uint32_t *       domain_bits

The pfss_get_domain_bits function sets *domain_bits to the number of domain bits in *key.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

6.13. The pfss_get_range_bits function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_get_range_bits(
  pfss_key const * key,
  uint32_t *       range_bits

The pfss_get_range_bits function sets *range_bits to the number of range bits in *key.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

6.14. The pfss_eval function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_eval(
  pfss_key const * key,
  uint8_t const *  x,
  uint32_t         x_size,
  pfss_endianness  x_endianness,
  uint8_t *        y,
  uint32_t         y_size,
  pfss_endianness  y_endianness

The pfss_eval function evaluates a key at a single domain element to produce a single range element.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.


#define PFSS_DEFINE_DIRECT_EVAL(f, domain_bits, range_type) \
  static range_type f(void const * k, void const * x) { …​ }

The PFSS_DEFINE_DIRECT_EVAL macro defines a self-contained function f that evaluates an unparsed key blob k at a domain value x. f can be any name of your choice. domain_bits should be an integer constant expression with type int whose value is between 1 and 128 inclusive. range_type should be either uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t.

When calling f, k should be a key blob that was output by the pfss_gen function with the same number of domain bits and range bits as specified by domain_bits and range_type, and x should be an unsigned integer that consists of \(\lceil\mathtt{domain\_bits}/8\rceil\) bytes in little endian byte order. Any bits above the least significant domain_bits bits of x are ignored. The return value is the result of the evaluation.

The code of f is valid as both C and C++. However, f currently requires AES-NI support via the -maes compiler option. This option is normally handled by the PFSS build system, but since you’ll be compiling f yourself, you’ll need to provide this option yourself. In the future, it may be generalized to work on other systems.

Example 1.

The following code uses the PFSS_DEFINE_DIRECT_EVAL macro to define a self-contained function static uint16_t my_eval(void const * k, void const * x) { …​ } that evaluates an unparsed key blob k with 128 domain bits and 16 range bits at a domain value x:

#include <pfss.h>
#include <stdint.h>
PFSS_DEFINE_DIRECT_EVAL(my_eval, 128, uint16_t)

6.16. The pfss_reduce_sum function

pfss_status pfss_reduce_sum(
  uint32_t        range_bits,
  uint8_t const * ys,
  uint32_t        ys_count,
  uint32_t        y_size,
  pfss_endianness y_endianness,
  uint8_t *       z,
  uint32_t        z_size,
  pfss_endianness z_endianness

The pfss_reduce_sum function sets x to the sum of the ys_count elements of ys. Each element of ys should be an unsigned integer that consists of y_size bytes in y_endianness byte order. The sum is taken modulo 2range_bits and output as an unsigned integer that consists of z_size bytes in z_endianness byte order. The function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure.

6.17. The pfss_map_eval function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_map_eval(
  pfss_key const * key,
  uint8_t const *  xs,
  uint32_t         xs_count,
  uint32_t         x_size,
  pfss_endianness  x_endianness,
  uint8_t *        ys,
  uint32_t         y_size,
  pfss_endianness  y_endianness

The pfss_map_eval function evaluates a key over a list of domain elements to produce a list of range elements.

xs should point to the first byte of an array of xs_count unsigned integers, each of which consists of x_size bytes in x_endianness byte order.

ys should point to the first byte of an array of xs_count unsigned integers, each of which consists of y_size bytes in y_endianness byte order. It is also required that \(\mathtt{y\_size} \ge \lceil r / 8 \rceil\), where \(r\) is the number of range bits in the key.

The key is evaluated at each domain element in the xs array and each result is written to the corresponding range element in the ys array.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

6.18. The pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum(
  pfss_key const * key,
  uint8_t const *  xs,
  uint32_t         xs_count,
  uint32_t         x_size,
  pfss_endianness  x_endianness,
  uint8_t *        y,
  uint32_t         y_size,
  pfss_endianness  y_endianness

The pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum function evaluates a key over a list of domain elements and sums the resulting range elements to produce a single range element.

xs should point to the first byte of an array of xs_count unsigned integers, each of which consists of x_size bytes in x_endianness byte order.

y should point to the first byte of a range element (i.e., an unsigned integer) that consists of y_size bytes in y_endianness byte order. It is also required that \(\mathtt{y\_size} \ge \lceil r / 8 \rceil\), where \(r\) is the number of range bits in the key.

The key is evaluated at each domain element in the xs array, the resulting range elements are summed modulo \(2^r\), and the sum is written to the range element pointed to by y.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

6.19. The pfss_eval_all function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_eval_all(
  pfss_key const * key,
  uint8_t const *  xp,
  uint32_t         xp_bits,
  pfss_endianness  xp_endianness,
  uint8_t *        ys,
  uint32_t         y_size,
  pfss_endianness  y_endianness

The pfss_eval_all function evaluates a key over a (partial) grid of domain elements to produce a (partial) grid of range elements.

First, the \(\lceil \mathtt{xp\_bits} / 8 \rceil\) bytes pointed to by xp are interpreted as an unsigned integer in xp_endianness byte order. All bits of this integer are ignored except for the least significant xp_bits bits, which form a value \(v\). This value is shifted left by \(k = d - \mathtt{xp\_bits}\) bits to form the first domain element \(x_1\) at which key will be evaluated, where \(d\) is the number of domain bits in key. In other words, \(x_1 = v \cdot 2^k\). It is required that \(k \ge 0\), i.e., that \(\mathtt{xp\_bits} \le d\).

Next, key is evaluated at each successive domain element up to and including \(x_{2^k} = x_1 + 2^k - 1\), and each result is written to a specific location in the array of bytes pointed to by ys. The array of bytes is treated as an array of unsigned integers, each consisting of y_size bytes in y_endianness byte order. It is required that \(\mathtt{y\_size} \ge \lceil r / 8 \rceil\), where \(r\) is the number of range bits in key. The evaluation result of each \(x_i\) is written to the \(x_i\)'th element of the array.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

Example 2.
#include <cstdint>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <pfss.h>
#include <random>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace {

void check_status(pfss_status const s) {
  if (s != PFSS_OK) {
    throw std::runtime_error(pfss_get_status_name(s));

} // namespace

int main() {
  constexpr uint32_t domain_bits = 16;
  constexpr uint32_t range_bits = 32;
  constexpr uint16_t alpha = 12345;
  constexpr uint32_t beta = 67890;
  constexpr std::size_t domain_size = (std::size_t)1 << domain_bits;

  // Find out how big our buffers need to be.
  uint32_t key_blob_size;
  uint32_t rand_buf_size;

  // Allocate our buffers.
  std::vector<uint8_t> key1_blob((std::size_t)key_blob_size);
  std::vector<uint8_t> key2_blob((std::size_t)key_blob_size);
  std::vector<uint8_t> rand_buf((std::size_t)rand_buf_size);

  // Fill rand_buf with random bytes. Note that std::random_device is
  // not necessarily cryptographically secure. In practice you should
  // use something with better guarantees.
  std::random_device random_device;
  for (uint8_t & r : rand_buf) {
    r = (uint8_t)random_device();

  // Generate the two key blobs.
                        (uint8_t const *)&alpha,
                        (uint8_t const *)&beta,

  // Parse the first key blob.
  pfss_key * key1_ptr;
      pfss_parse_key(&key1_ptr, key1_blob.data(), key_blob_size));
  std::unique_ptr<pfss_key, void (*)(pfss_key *)> const key1(
      [](pfss_key * const k) { pfss_destroy_key(k); });

  // Parse the second key blob.
  pfss_key * key2_ptr;
      pfss_parse_key(&key2_ptr, key2_blob.data(), key_blob_size));
  std::unique_ptr<pfss_key, void (*)(pfss_key *)> const key2(
      [](pfss_key * const k) { pfss_destroy_key(k); });

  // Allocate two grids.
  std::vector<uint32_t> ys1(domain_size);
  std::vector<uint32_t> ys2(domain_size);

  // Start 8 threads to evaluate the first grid. The first thread will
  // evaluate the domain elements whose bit patterns are 000x...x, the
  // second thread 001x...x, the third thread 010x...x, and so on.
  std::vector<std::future<void>> futures1;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
    futures1.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [&key1, i, &ys1] {
                                 3, // 2^3 = 8
                                 (uint8_t *)ys1.data(),

  // Start 16 threads to evaluate the second grid. The first thread will
  // evaluate the domain elements whose bit patterns are 0000x...x, the
  // second thread 0001x...x, the third thread 0010x...x, and so on.
  std::vector<std::future<void>> futures2;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i != 16; ++i) {
    futures2.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [&key2, i, &ys2] {
                                 4, // 2^4 = 16
                                 (uint8_t *)ys2.data(),

  // Wait for all threads to complete.
  for (std::future<void> & f : futures1) {
  for (std::future<void> & f : futures2) {

  // Collapse the two grids by summing all of their elements mod
  // 2^{range_bits} (2^32) to verify that we get beta (67890) as the
  // final result. Note that because the two keys came from the same
  // pfss_gen call, ys1[i] + ys2[i] should be zero mod 2^32 everywhere
  // except at alpha (12345), where it should be beta (67890).
  unsigned long ys1_sum = 0;
  unsigned long ys2_sum = 0;
  for (auto const y : ys1) {
    ys1_sum += (unsigned long)y; // naturally mod 2^n for some n >= 32
  for (auto const y : ys2) {
    ys2_sum += (unsigned long)y; // naturally mod 2^n for some n >= 32
  ys1_sum &= UINT32_MAX; // mod 2^32
  ys2_sum &= UINT32_MAX; // mod 2^32
  unsigned long const sum = (ys1_sum + ys2_sum) & UINT32_MAX;

  // Print out the results.
  std::cout << "ys1_sum = " << ys1_sum << "\n";
  std::cout << "ys2_sum = " << ys2_sum << "\n";
  std::cout << "sum = " << sum << "\n";
Possible output
ys1_sum = 3425594880
ys2_sum = 869440306
sum = 67890

6.20. The pfss_eval_all_sum function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_eval_all_sum(
  pfss_key const * const * keys,
  uint32_t                 keys_count,
  uint8_t *                ys,
  uint32_t                 y_size,
  pfss_endianness          y_endianness,
  uint32_t                 thread_count

The pfss_eval_all_sum function evaluates multiple keys over the complete grid of domain elements and sums the resulting grids into an existing grid.

keys should point to an array of keys_count keys. All keys should have the same number of domain bits. All keys should have the same number of range bits. If keys_count is zero, keys will not be accessed but should still be a valid pointer.

ys should point to a complete grid of range elements, i.e., an array of \(2^d\) unsigned integers where \(d\) is the number of domain bits in each key. Each unsigned integer should consist of y_size bytes in y_endianness byte order. y_size should always be positive. If keys_count is zero, ys will not be accessed but it should still be a valid pointer.

Each key is evaluated at all domain elements to produce an intermediate grid, which is then summed into ys.

thread_count specifies the number of threads to use to perform the computation. This number should always be positive.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

Example 3.
#include <cstdint>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <pfss.h>
#include <random>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace {

void check_status(pfss_status const s) {
  if (s != PFSS_OK) {
    throw std::runtime_error(pfss_get_status_name(s));

} // namespace

int main() {
  constexpr uint32_t domain_bits = 16;
  constexpr uint32_t range_bits = 32;
  constexpr uint16_t alpha = 12345;
  constexpr uint32_t beta = 67890;
  constexpr std::size_t domain_size = (std::size_t)1 << domain_bits;

  // Find out how big our buffers need to be.
  uint32_t key_blob_size;
  uint32_t rand_buf_size;

  // Allocate our buffers.
  std::vector<uint8_t> key1_blob((std::size_t)key_blob_size);
  std::vector<uint8_t> key2_blob((std::size_t)key_blob_size);
  std::vector<uint8_t> rand_buf((std::size_t)rand_buf_size);

  // Fill rand_buf with random bytes. Note that std::random_device is
  // not necessarily cryptographically secure. In practice you should
  // use something with better guarantees.
  std::random_device random_device;
  for (uint8_t & r : rand_buf) {
    r = (uint8_t)random_device();

  // Generate the two key blobs.
                        (uint8_t const *)&alpha,
                        (uint8_t const *)&beta,

  // Parse the first key blob.
  pfss_key * key1_ptr;
      pfss_parse_key(&key1_ptr, key1_blob.data(), key_blob_size));
  std::unique_ptr<pfss_key, void (*)(pfss_key *)> const key1(
      [](pfss_key * const k) { pfss_destroy_key(k); });

  // Parse the second key blob.
  pfss_key * key2_ptr;
      pfss_parse_key(&key2_ptr, key2_blob.data(), key_blob_size));
  std::unique_ptr<pfss_key, void (*)(pfss_key *)> const key2(
      [](pfss_key * const k) { pfss_destroy_key(k); });

  // Allocate one main grid initialized to all zeros.
  std::vector<uint32_t> ys(domain_size);

  // Use 7 threads to evaluate each key into an ephemeral grid (as if by
  // calling the pfss_eval_all function) and sum the ephemeral grids
  // into the main grid.
  std::vector<pfss_key const *> const keys = {key1_ptr, key2_ptr};
                                 (uint8_t *)ys.data(),

  // Collapse the main grid by summing all of its elements mod
  // 2^{range_bits} (2^32) to verify that we get beta (67890) as the
  // final result. Note that because the two keys came from the same
  // pfss_gen call, the grid should be zero mod 2^32 everywhere except
  // at alpha (12345), where it should be beta (67890).
  unsigned long sum = 0;
  for (auto const y : ys) {
    sum += (unsigned long)y; // naturally mod 2^n for some n >= 32
  sum &= UINT32_MAX; // mod 2^32

  // Print out the results.
  std::cout << "sum = " << sum << "\n";
sum = 67890

6.21. The pfss_eval_all_dot function

C and C++
pfss_status pfss_eval_all_dot(
  pfss_key const * const * keys,
  uint32_t                 keys_count,
  uint8_t const *          ys,
  uint32_t                 y_size,
  pfss_endianness          y_endianness,
  uint8_t *                zs,
  uint32_t                 z_size,
  pfss_endianness          z_endianness,
  uint32_t                 thread_count

The pfss_eval_all_dot function evaluates multiple keys over the complete grid of domain elements and computes the dot product of each resulting grid with an existing grid.

keys should point to an array of keys_count keys. All keys should have the same number of domain bits. All keys should have the same number of range bits. If keys_count is zero, keys will not be accessed but should still be a valid pointer.

ys should point to a complete grid of range elements, i.e., an array of \(2^d\) unsigned integers where \(d\) is the number of domain bits in each key. Each unsigned integer should consist of y_size bytes in y_endianness byte order. y_size should always be positive. If keys_count is zero, ys will not be accessed but it should still be a valid pointer.

zs should point to an array of keys_count unsigned integers. Each unsigned integer should consist of z_size bytes in z_endianness byte order.

Each key is evaluated at all domain elements to produce an intermediate grid. The dot product of the intermediate grid is taken with ys, and the result is written to the corresponding element of zs. The result is taken modulo \(2^r\) where \(r\) is the number of range bits in each key.

thread_count specifies the number of threads to use to perform the computation. This number should always be positive.

This function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code upon failure. You can use the pfss_get_status_name function to convert the status code into a human readable name.

Note that this function takes a pfss_key const *, not a pfss_key *. By convention, all functions that take a pfss_key const * are safe to call from multiple threads at the same time on the same key.

Example 4.
#include <cstdint>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <pfss.h>
#include <random>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace {

void check_status(pfss_status const s) {
  if (s != PFSS_OK) {
    throw std::runtime_error(pfss_get_status_name(s));

} // namespace

int main() {
  constexpr uint32_t domain_bits = 16;
  constexpr uint32_t range_bits = 32;
  constexpr uint16_t alpha = 12345;
  constexpr uint32_t beta = 1;
  constexpr std::size_t domain_size = (std::size_t)1 << domain_bits;

  // Find out how big our buffers need to be.
  uint32_t key_blob_size;
  uint32_t rand_buf_size;

  // Allocate our buffers.
  std::vector<uint8_t> key1_blob((std::size_t)key_blob_size);
  std::vector<uint8_t> key2_blob((std::size_t)key_blob_size);
  std::vector<uint8_t> rand_buf((std::size_t)rand_buf_size);

  // Fill rand_buf with random bytes. Note that std::random_device is
  // not necessarily cryptographically secure. In practice you should
  // use something with better guarantees.
  std::random_device random_device;
  for (uint8_t & r : rand_buf) {
    r = (uint8_t)random_device();

  // Generate the two key blobs.
                        (uint8_t const *)&alpha,
                        (uint8_t const *)&beta,

  // Parse the first key blob.
  pfss_key * key1_ptr;
      pfss_parse_key(&key1_ptr, key1_blob.data(), key_blob_size));
  std::unique_ptr<pfss_key, void (*)(pfss_key *)> const key1(
      [](pfss_key * const k) { pfss_destroy_key(k); });

  // Parse the second key blob.
  pfss_key * key2_ptr;
      pfss_parse_key(&key2_ptr, key2_blob.data(), key_blob_size));
  std::unique_ptr<pfss_key, void (*)(pfss_key *)> const key2(
      [](pfss_key * const k) { pfss_destroy_key(k); });

  // Allocate one main grid initialized to all zeros everywhere except
  // at alpha (12345), where it is 67890.
  std::vector<uint32_t> ys(domain_size);
  ys[alpha] = 67890;

  // Use 7 threads to evaluate each key into an ephemeral grid (as if by
  // calling the pfss_eval_all function) and compute the dot product of
  // each ephemeral grid with the main grid into a result vector zs.
  std::vector<uint32_t> zs(2);
  std::vector<pfss_key const *> const keys = {key1_ptr, key2_ptr};
                                 (uint8_t const *)ys.data(),
                                 (uint8_t *)zs.data(),

  // Sum the two results mod 2^{range_bits} (2^32) to verify that we get
  // ys[alpha] (67890) as the final result. Note that because the two
  // keys came from the same pfss_gen call and beta = 1, the two keys
  // work together to "select" the element at index alpha in ys.
  unsigned long sum = 0;
  for (auto const z : zs) {
    sum += (unsigned long)z; // naturally mod 2^n for some n >= 32
  sum &= UINT32_MAX; // mod 2^32

  // Print out the results.
  std::cout << "zs[0] = " << zs[0] << "\n";
  std::cout << "zs[1] = " << zs[1] << "\n";
  std::cout << "sum = " << sum << "\n";
Possible output
zs[0] = 2326640992
zs[1] = 1968394194
sum = 67890

6.22. The PFSS_SWITCH_DB_RB macro

#define PFSS_SWITCH_DB_RB( \
    domain_bits, range_bits, template_code, standard_code)

The PFSS_SWITCH_DB_RB macro expands to a do { /* ... */ } while (0) block of code that calls either template_code((domain_bits), (range_bits)) or standard_code() depending on whether PFSS was compiled with template optimizations enabled for the given domain_bits and range_bits combination via switch_db_rb.cfg. template_code should be the name of a function-like macro that takes two parameters. The arguments passed to template_code will not actually be domain_bits and range_bits, but rather decimal constants whose values match domain_bits and range_bits, which allows them to be used as template arguments in C++. standard_code should be the name of a function-like macro that takes no arguments. template_code and standard_code should each expand to a do { /* ... */ } while (0) block of code. domain_bits and range_bits will each be evaluated exactly once.

Here is an example function that determines whether PFSS was compiled with template optimizations enabled for a given domain_bits and range_bits combination:

int have_template_optimizations(int domain_bits, int range_bits) {
#define T_CODE(db, rb) do { return 1; } while (0)
#define S_CODE() do { return 0; } while (0)
  PFSS_SWITCH_DB_RB(domain_bits, range_bits, T_CODE, S_CODE);
#undef S_CODE
#undef T_CODE

7. Using the Java bindings

The Java bindings are defined in the src/java/com/stealthsoftwareinc/pfss/pfss.java file.

PFSS detects whether <jni.h> is available at ./configure time in order to decide whether to compile the Java bindings into libpfss.so:

$ ./configure
checking for JNI... yes

There are three ways you can run ./configure depending on your needs:

  1. ./configure: Compile the Java bindings if <jni.h> is available.

  2. ./configure --with-jni-or-die: Compile the Java bindings, erroring out if <jni.h> is not available.

  3. ./configure --without-jni: Don’t compile the Java bindings.

If <jni.h> is not in your default include path, you should add any necessary -I options to CPPFLAGS at ./configure time. For example:

./configure --with-jni-or-die CPPFLAGS='-I/path/to/jni/dir'

If ./configure is unexpectedly failing to detect that <jni.h> is available, you can search for JNI in config.log to see why. For example, here is a failure where an additional -I option was necessary for <jni.h> to find a dependent header "jni_md.h":

configure:9266: checking for JNI
configure:9337: gcc -c -g -O2 -pthread -Wall -Wextra -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/include conftest.c >&5
In file included from conftest.c:54:0:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/include/jni.h:45:10: fatal error: jni_md.h: No such file or directory
 #include "jni_md.h"

To use the Java bindings, the pfss class is provided in the src/java/com/stealthsoftwareinc/pfss/pfss.java file. This class is a minimal wrapper of the C API that’s intended to be included in your own Java project along with libpfss.so.

Pointers to arrays (including pointers to singular objects) are modeled as Java arrays, uint32_t values are modeled as Java int values, and opaque pointers are modeled as Java long values. Every array parameter is accompanied by an index parameter that specifies the starting point of the data in the array.

You can import the pfss class with import com.stealthsoftwareinc.pfss.pfss and access its members with pfss.<member>, or you can import it with import static com.stealthsoftwareinc.pfss.pfss.* and access its members directly with <member>.

For an example of using the Java bindings, see src/java/com/stealthsoftwareinc/pfss/Example.java. You can compile and run this example program as follows, where <D> is an absolute path to a directory that contains both libpfss.so and libnettle.so:

javac -sourcepath src/java src/java/com/stealthsoftwareinc/pfss/Example.java
java -cp src/java com.stealthsoftwareinc.pfss.Example [<D>]

If <D> is not given, it will be taken as the current directory.

8. Node.js bindings

8.1. General

The Node.js bindings are provided in the src/node directory, which is actually an example project. The intent is that you can take pfss-node.cpp verbatim and adapt binding.gyp and package.json into your own project.

8.2. Running the example project with Docker

  1. Build a distribution archive (pfss-*.tar.gz) by running make dist (after ./configure).

  2. Copy the distribution archive into the src/node directory. Make sure you have exactly one such file in that directory. If you don’t have exactly one, the image won’t build.

  3. Run docker build -t pfss-node src/node to build the image.

  4. Run docker run -i -t --rm pfss-node to start a container.

  5. In the container, run npm install followed by node-gyp rebuild.

  6. In the container, run node example.js.

8.3. Reference

8.3.1. The pfss_reduce_sum_async function

pfss_status pfss_reduce_sum_async(
  Uint32           range_bits,
  Uint8Array const ys,
  Uint32           ys_index,
  Uint32           ys_count,
  Uint32           y_size,
  pfss_endianness  y_endianness,
  Uint8Array       z,
  Uint32           z_index,
  Uint32           z_size,
  pfss_endianness  z_endianness,
  function         callback

The pfss_reduce_sum_async function calls the pfss_reduce_sum function asynchronously with all of the parameters except callback. After the asynchronous call completes, callback(s) is called, where s is the status code returned by the asynchronous call. The function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code if the asynchronous call could not be initiated.

Example 5. A simple sum

The following program uses the pfss_reduce_sum_async function to compute \((0 + 1 + \ldots + 99999)\ \textrm{mod}\ 2^{32}\):

Object.assign(global, require("bindings")("pfss"));

let ys = Uint32Array.from(Array(100000).keys());
let z = new Uint32Array(1);

let status1 = pfss_reduce_sum_async(
  ys.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 8, // 32
  new Uint8Array(ys.buffer),
  ys.length, // 100000
  new Uint8Array(z.buffer),
  function(status2) {
    if (status2 == PFSS_OK) {
      console.log("z = " + z[0]);
    } else {

if (status1 != PFSS_OK) {


z = 704982704

8.3.2. The pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum_async function

pfss_status pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum_async(
  pfss_key         key,
  Uint8Array const xs,
  Uint32           xs_index,
  Uint32           xs_count,
  Uint32           x_size,
  pfss_endianness  x_endianness,
  Uint8Array       y,
  Uint32           y_index,
  Uint32           y_size,
  pfss_endianness  y_endianness,
  function         callback

The pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum_async function calls the pfss_map_eval_reduce_sum function asynchronously with all of the parameters except callback. After the asynchronous call completes, callback(s) is called, where s is the status code returned by the asynchronous call. The function returns PFSS_OK upon success, or another status code if the asynchronous call could not be initiated.